Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Goal

I don't know everything there is to know about baseball.  I don't play fantasy baseball.  I don't watch very many ballgames on TV.

But I sure do love baseball.

And watching a baseball game at the ballpark is one of my favorite ways to spend a day (or evening).  I love everything about being at a game from watching it to making friends to participating in the traditions.  Packed stadium?  Love it.  Hot sun?  Even better.  Extra innings?  Bring it on.

I've visited about sixteen ballparks so far, some retired, and I plan to write about them and share my experiences visiting them.  Since I do not swear allegiance to but one team, I cannot bring myself to buy any souvenir at the ballpark that has the team's emblem on it.  So my souvenir is always one of those $9 souvenir cups, usually with the season's schedule on it, originally filled with the beverage of my choice.  Whenever I use one of those cups at home, I remember the stadium and my day(s) spent at that park.  It's a good feeling.

Stadiums are can be really beautiful structures.  I like seeing the parks and comparing the way the stadium and its fans celebrate the game.

This blog will thus be about baseball, its stadiums, its teams, and its traditions.  I will have to catch up on the stadiums I've seen so far.  I hope you plan to visit some of these parks some day, too!


  1. So is this blog going to be limited to 32 posts, or will there be several posts about each stadium? I guess you can expand with guest posts, as well... I recommend paying the posters for their guest spots...just say'n.

  2. Yeah, it might have multiple posts for the ballparks, plus the retired parks I've been to... Funny about the guest posters.
